The BEST Oil Painting App for the iPad?! "Art Set" Review

It didn't take long for me to discover that painting on the iPad didn't get the traditional look or feel without a lot of extra work. And if you’re going to do that much extra work, why not just focus on the real thing?? That’s exactly how I would summarize my digital painting philosophy up until a few days ago!

While browsing Pinterest earlier this week I stumbled across a pin (probably an add from the company but I didn’t safe it so I have no idea) that showcased the iPad app: Art Set. It looked like it featured the texture of painting with a brush AND mixed colors in a similar way.

I dropped everything and downloaded the app.

Following my usual techniques for Mastering a New Art Medium, I played around and explored the app for a little while (mostly making “squiggles” and pushing buttons, haha) before I decided to commit to a “real” attempt at a painting.

Luckly, I was wise enough to start recording my screen before I began and I am excited to share my findings with you in this quick video! In so many ways, this new app is BLOWING MY MIND! Art Set surprised me with super realistic oil painting effects and I'm so excited to show you and keep playing with it myself. Is there a learning curve? YES. Is it “better” than painting the traditional way? No. At least not yet. Have I tried the other media yet? I used the watercolor once and wasn’t impressed. But I’ll keep playing and growing and keep you posted :)



If you liked this video be sure to let me know in the comments section! Would you like to see a formal tutorial in this application? Or would you like to see a different angle (maybe above the iPad instead of the screen so you can see the pencil move?). Let me know!