The Secret Garden Wax Seal Collection

It is with the greatest pleasure and excitement that I introduce you to my latest wax seal collection: The Secret Garden Collection!

This exclusive partnership with Artisaire has been several months in the making and I could not be more thrilled to have it “out in the world” and available to you at last. I’ve been asked many times in the past few years for a full “garden” of floral wax seals and it was high time that I deliver. This collection comes with more than just wax seals though—but I’ve also designed a full wedding suite collection to go with these new wax seals and I hope that you will love them just as much as the wax seals.

But the paper goods will be shared more explicitly in another blog post! This post is dedicated to the wax seals themselves as the cornerstone for the entire project.

Secret Lock Wax Seal - Shown in Prosecco and Thyme wax

Of course, we couldn’t have a “Secret Garden” theme without some sort of gate or lock to guard the secret! This wax seal is a cornerstone for this collection and provides such a playful element of storytelling to the collection overall. The unique oval shape of this wax seal adds to the charm and crafting the beautiful filigrees surrounding the key hole on this wax seal make for a perfect mimic for an antique lock. I hope you love this lock wax seal as much as I do!

This wax seal (as you’ll see with all of the designs in this collection) has a semi-custom option! You can select the “stock” wax seal design with the key hole or you can chose to use the filigrees around your initials!

Botanical Initial Wax Seal - shown in Buttercream, Dusty Blue and Prosecco

I have wanted to make this design available to you for YEARS and I’m so thrilled to partner with Artisaire on the production of this unique initial wax seal! I spent hours hand illustrating both the floral elements as well as each letter in the full alphabet for a truly one of a kind wax collection. This unique flower wax seal monogram is perfect for wedding stationery, personal letters or embellishment!

Available as pre-made for easy wedding invitation assembly!

Garden Roses Wax Seal - Dusty Blue and Buttercream

If you know me, then you know that I love roses and I couldn’t have a garden inspired collection without a dancing rose wax seal. It took me several tries to get it the way I wanted and I had a few other designs created before this one became the “final”. I think that adding that little bit of extra “dance” and movement to this wax seal design, which as become such a signature of my illustration style, was the perfect way to “seal” the design. This floral wax seal is perfect for every day snail mail or for a wedding invitation—especially the subtle monogram wax seal version! I love how it can add some extra elegance and personalization without being overpowering. But I definitely can see myself reaching for the Garden Rose wax seal for personal use in the near future.

Swan Wax seal - Prosecco

This design has been sitting in my sketchbook for AGES! My dear friend, Emily, requested a swan wax seal and I immediately knew it had to be an oval wax seal! Ideally it would have been a 3D wax seal, but until I can get that dream to come true, I’ll enjoy this beautiful swan and pair of swans on these lovely oval wax seals! The graceful curve of the swan’s neck and the simple ruffle of the feathers at the back allow the elegant silhouette of the swan to take center stage.

The single swan is repeated in the “couple” design, and paired with a more dominate swan, perfectly showcasing the love and care found in a marriage. This swan couple design is perfect for wedding invitations and family correspondence. There is even the option to include a full name in place of the mongoram, giving you even more personalization options for this beautiful oval wax seal design.

Tulips Wax Seal - Shown in Prosecco wax

This floral wax seal design was a wildcard for me! I was playing around with the idea of a symmetrical design, inspired by block prints. But I don’t like anything to look too “cookie cutter” so I created a design that broke symmetry a bit to create a beautiful textured design that has such beautiful balance and visual interest to it! I think the result is a truly unique floral wax seal that captures the beauty of tulips while being unique and playful. I struggled to create the semi custom design that includes custom initials on the wax seal. I tried replacing each flower head of the tulip but doing so lost all of the beautiful flow and movement. But once I tried this asymmetrical design where the tulips peek in over the side, I knew we had a winner! This one ended up being a surprise for me and I’m so happy with the overall result. I hope you love these floral tulip wax seals as much as I do.

Forget Me Not Wax Seal - Shown in Dusty Blue and Prosecco

Forget Me Not flowers are infamous for their symbolism of true love and faithfulness, and perfect for a garden themed wedding collection. I love the petite delicate blue flowers and included them on several of the wedding invitations in the Secret Garden Collection. I find this design to be versatile overall and easy to pair with many different styles of stationery. I ended up falling even harder for the monogram version of this Forget Me Not wax seal design—I love the elongated stem of the floral and how small and delicate it is.

Fountain Wax Seal - Shown in Prosecco

This unique fountain wax seal has been a challenge but such a fun growing experience! I wanted to include some architectural elements, as I think that hardscape is such a valuable feature in a beautiful garden, and I thought that having another, more structured design would help bring some unity to the Secret Lock wax seal and prevent it from standing on the outside too much.

Illustrating the water of the fountain so that it looked like it was flowing and splashing, without giving the effect that the structure of the fountain on the wax seal was melting, was a challenge and I’m so thrilled with how it turned out! And it seems to have been a fast favorite for many of you! I tend to stick so hard to flowers that when I branch out, I am surprised to remember that there is more to beauty than blooms and petals, hah.

Originally designed for a circle wax seal, adjusting the fountain wax seal so that it fit on an oval took this design from good to great and I’m so pleasantly surprised by how much I like it! I returned to the circle for the monogram wax seal version so that the letters of the initials weren’t too small to see.