How to Paint a Watercolor Iris — Loose Watercolors

I have been day dreaming about this watercolor iris way too long to leave it in my head a moment longer! I am so excited to share how I painted this watercolor iris in my signature loose watercolor flower style. Also known as “loose for me but not loose at all for some people but other people like it”. Hope you’re one of the latter “somebodies” :) #loosewatercolorflowers #watercolortechniques

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How to Make Marbled Wax Seals

Okay, I was obsessed with wax seals before… but now??
Oh my word, I could play with them all day!

Marbled wax seals are the perfect way to elevate your stamp and make it truly unique and special. I’ve been playing with a few wax marbling techniques for a while, but I finally found “the one” and I am every bit as twitterpated as a teenage girl with her first crush!

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