August 2018 Desktop Calendar - Free Download

I know that it's not a very popular opinion, but August has always been one of my favorite months.  Maybe it's just because it's my birthday month? Or maybe it's because small elements of a regular schedule start to creep back into our life, while still remaining that sacred season of "summer".

Either way, I do enjoy it, and I intend to celebrate with a little bit of festivity on my desktop—who said work had to be boring?

To sign up for this FREE design (and a new one each month), fill out this form and I will send it directly to your inbox!

If you love this design, I also added it to some of the products on my Society6 account!  Below are a few examples of my favorite products with this design:

I love how easy it is to have beautiful artwork on various elements of your life—whether in your home or on your tech or clothing.  It used to be so hard to find exactly what you are looking for, but with such a large marketplace to search from—with so many talented artists, there really is no reason why you shouldn't be able to find your perfect piece somewhere on Society6!