A Sweet Little Distraction
I've been a little quieter than usual over here the past few months. And if you don't follow along on my instagram, then I am sure that the photo below will clue you in a little bit more ;)
After a hard to face PCOS diagnosis this January, my husband and I began fertility treatments. If you have or know someone who has gone through a similar season, you know what a roller coaster it can be. I was even more thankful for Blushed and my beautiful brides for the distraction that they provided and the excitement that they gave me despite our questions and hurt.
In July, we were thrilled to find out that we were expecting a new distraction with our first sweet baby! It was a very exciting time but also a very scary time as I grew sick due to the medicine (hormones—woo!) and we wondered if we would be able to keep this baby. Fast forward through the typical sickness and fatigue of the first trimester, I am now enjoying the growing bump and energy that comes with the second trimester!
As I look forward to the traditional hustle and bustle of the Christmas season ahead, I am again thankful for those of you who are celebrating with us and wishing us well. It will be hard to be on Maternity leave during the craziest few months of wedding season (Baby Blushed is due at the end of March), but I know that we will make it. Thank you for your constant encouragement and friendship. It means more than you will ever know.
Also, if you have faced a PCOS diagnosis or another form of infertility, I would love to chat with you. You don't have to feel alone in this, and I would be honored to listen to you, cry with you and eventually celebrate with you.